
Upper Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia

Suzi and Neil’s house is but a dot in the landscape 

We sadly said goodbye to Clare and Reg in Abu Dhabi, and flew to Australia, to stay with our daughters, Jane and Suzi. They both live in the Upper Hunter Valley, NSW. What an idyllic part of the world! We have always loved spending time there.

Upper Hunter Valley

Named after the river that runs through it, the Hunter Valley is one of the largest river valleys on the New South Wales coast of Australia. The area where Suzi and family live, is mainly associated with horse breeding and beef cattle farming, although one often sees sheep, too. The Upper Hunter area around Scone, the small town where Jane was living, is one of the largest horse breeding areas in the world, which is why Scone is called the "Horse Capital of Australia".

The gravel driveway to Suzi’s house…

…passes through several cattle grids…

…over hills

…overlooking the most amazing scenery

…past dingo fences

…through woods and fields

…and over a bridge crossing a creek, before reaching the house!

Suzi lives 80km from her nearest supermarket, and, with a 7 km long driveway from the road to her house, this gives us an amazing space in which to walk, run, and ride, among breathtaking scenery.

David, Suzi, Katelyn, and Brandyn, walking the track

Two-year-old Brandyn loves to ride his balance bike out in the fields

David and Suzi’s evening walk

As you can see, it’s no wonder we love staying in rural Australia. There is only one downside – limited WiFi; although, I am gradually learning how to cope, and find ways to overcome this. One way, is to prepare everything beforehand, so I only have to upload quickly, and not work online. Wish me luck!

Elizabeth Coughlan

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